Choose and prepare the room for your preparations

The light

Choose to be in front of a window, do not be afraid of the strong ray of light. Your hair & make up artist would prefer natural light, and me too. And also don’t be afraid of the dark. The dark corner are very interesting on the pictures.

Clean picture mean a not overloaded places

Warn your guests that the place of preparation must be cleaned. Tell your guests to put in a piece of the room all the plastic bag and the different useless objects. It will remain only the essential on the photo and it will be felt on the images.
A graphic photo requires attention to detail that is important.

The mover

I can move furniture if I feel it is important for better photos during the preparations.
Involve one or more people who are dear to your eyes.
Tell these people to be ready before you to help you to prepare yourself and have those beautiful picture.


Souvenir photos of your sentimental objects


Couple photo session during the wedding