Editing process to create your emotional photos

Editing is essential in my work so that your wedding photos are the most beautiful.

Be careful, editing does not mean transforming reality or editing for me. To retouch a photo is to crop it, give it the right orientation, look after the colors, the shadows, and give a style to the photograph. It's the improvement of it. This process allow me to give a natural ambiance to the image and also more emotion.

Taking pictures is important but today, I want to talk about the part that you don’t see and who is one of the most important, and also, looks a little abstract for you. But to my eyes it looks important that you have an idea of what I am doing after the shooting, and what happen with your beautiful pictures and also why it take so much time to finally arriving to you. Let's discover the editing process of your engagement pictures.

I start to make emotional pictures with you.

Of course the first step is to create your story in images who will give us a good feeling and emotions.

During your elopement or wedding, I give my business cards to your guests to give them a link to register to receive the gallery when it will be ready.

I put good music…

Arriving at home, I put a good music to help me a lot to create that emotional content.

Copy of the files

I copy all my files and save it in diferentes places for more security. Today Cloud is one of my solution to have them in an other place, just inn case, to be sure that i can access to it where I want. I also put all the files and work in a SSD drives, fast, and secure. When it's done, I can start the selection of the best pictures.

Selection of the best pictures

I import the pictures into an app called #Lightroom from adobe

This process can sometimes take some days. I take out the unusual pictures who are really similar to keep only the best one. I erase the bad picture taken by error and the blurry pictures (yes sometimes I made mistake😊, yes I am human, and I will develop this part a little later). For a complete wedding photography report, in general this process take 2 or 3 days to select.

First part Editing process

I resize and balance all the pictures who need it.

I choose some pictures That could work well in Black and white and applicate my own preset to all the pictures

I create a Highlight selection for a super quick delivery in preview for you.

Editing, I applicate my preset and harmonyse my style

I applicate the color corrections

I retouch some details to the picture who need it

I check every pictures one by one details by details

One step very important that a lot of people forgot

The pause in the process

I make a pause in my process and stop to work in the project during some days, just the time to to give to my brain a fresh review when I come back on it. This step allow me to have a new vision watching what I did just before and I can discover all the errors of editing that I didn't see before.

Exporting the pictures

I export everything in 2 deferents sizes

One export is made for Instagram and Internet blogpost, the second one is for print in the best quality possible.

The gallery

I create a gallery access for your guest where they can log before that the gallery access is approved by the bride and groom in to receive the info when the gallery will be ready.

I create the different folder of the report of the day

For each part of the day, preparations, ceremony, party, etc...

I organise the order of the story of the report

I check the place of all the pictures to be sure that the story is clear and keep the feeling and emotion.

I export in the gallery

All the pictures are uploaded into the gallery and ready to bee published.


Your guests receive the gallery automatically if they registered before going to my link.

I deliver you (Bride and Groom) the Gallery

You can take a time to check and hide personal picture that you want to keep in private to your guests

You can approve directly in the gallery, and as soon it’s approve, it’s sending automatically the link to your guest that already Logged in before.

All those steps arre a resume of my works during the time that we meet on your event to the delivery moment where you will receive your emotional gallery. If you want too discover the result of that long process, let's check the lovers gallery here


An Elopement in Chile, the South-west American best places


Organization and roadmap of your wedding